Abandoned Viking film set in Iceland

Close to one of the most notorious Icelandic photo location – Stokksness beach – you can find this abandoned viking village.

The truth is, it is not really authentic, it was build for an TV series, which finally did not take place at all.

But if you are an explorer, such details cannot disturb you.

How to get to the abandoned viking village film set:
This location is really close to Stokksnes beach, so for the proper navigation and tips, go to the Stokksnes site.
GPS coordinates of Abandoned viking village near Stokksnes : 64.260559, -14.985750

Take me there!

Ficção científica
Antiguidade tardia
Idade Média
Tempos modernos
Século 5
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Disponibilidade: Acessível
Anúncio criado mai 15 2023

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