Schongauer Paveses

Two Schongauer Paveses recreations for sale!
Enjoy the pictures of the construction process and of the final results :))))
- All Components are authentic, except the highly poisonous pigments ( lead white => titanium white + marble flour ;;; vermillion => venecian red + cadmium orange) and the wood used ( sprouce instead of linden).
- Authentic pigments used: Azurite, vine black, italian gold ochre, Iron oxide yellow.
- Glues used: Skin glue, Casein glue.
- Connecting components: Raw hide goat, natural linnen fabrik 200 g/m²
- Grounding: Chalk from Bologna with 1:9 skin glue
€€€ - Price: 390€ per piece ( shipping in EU included! )

5. århundre
6. århundre
7. århundre
9. århundre
10. århundre
12. århundre
13. århundre
14. århundre
Det 16. århundre
Tilgjengelighet: Tilgjengelig
Annonse opprettet 31 mai 2022

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